Tourist programme

Ferrata HZS:
Martin - Pivovarský potok - Martinské hole - Martin
Krivanska Mala Fatra:
Šútovo - Šútovo waterfall - Šútovo
Veľká Fatra:
Thick and Sharp
Ascent to Lysec
Ascent to Katova skala via Teplice serpentines

The territory of Turiec extends in the naturalthe largest basin surrounded by the Veľká Fatra, Malá Fatra, Kremnické vrchy and Žiar. The axis of the basin is formed by the river Turiec.

Great Fatra
It extends in a north-south direction from Ružomberok to the Malý Šturec saddle. Almost the whole main ridge has a hilly character. Excellent vantage points on Krížna (1574 m), Ploska (1532 m), Borišov (1509 m) and Rakytov (1567 m) offer idealtours with the possibility of accommodation in huts at the King's Well, Cottage under Borišov, Smrekovice and Malin Brda.

Gaderská dolina and its continuation Dedošvalley is considered to be one of the mostof the largest valleys in Slovakia.The section from the Necpalska valley to Žarnovická toThe flax is particularly valuable from a botanical point of view. The flora of Tlstej (1414 m) is particularly rich, of a beautiful rocky limestone peak

Little Fatra
One of the most beautiful mountains in Slovakia. Vynára from the Žilina and Turčianska basins as a mighty mound, arching in an undulating arc from Klyak to the northeast to Rozsutec. At Domašín is crossed by the meander of the Váh and divided by into two separate parts: the southern part - the Lucian part with a large and wide central gamebeno, the northern - Krivan part with gracefully wavy sharp ridge.
Main tourist centres in summer and winter period are the valley Vrátna, Martinské hole and Fačmetal saddle. The densely populated foothills abound in rich cultural monuments, manor houses and castles. Unforgettable are the views from RozSutec (1610 m), Veľký Kriváň (1709 m), Veľká lúka (1475 m) or Kľak (1351 m).

Tourist destinations:
Jasenská dolina, Snowland - Valčianska valley, Martinky - Martinské hole, Révajov-the park in Mošovce, Klačianska Magura, Veľký Kriváň, Ostrá, Tlstá, Chleb, Gaderská valley, Blatnická valley, Necpalská valley, Kláštorské meadows, Turčianska magistrála, Šutov waterfall, Borišov, Lysec, Drienok, Lookout tower on Krahulský štít.

Sklabinsky, Blatnicky, Znievsky


Mountain huts:
Kľačianska Magura, Chleb, Borišov, Martinské sticks, Ravenovo


Martin, Stráne - Ferrata HZS, boarding - Ráztoka - Martinské hole - Martin, Stráne

Route length: 12.3 km
Elevation: +785 m, - 785 m
Time commitment: 4:20 p.m.


Brewery Creek Canyon, waterfalls and cascades of the creek. Educational trail about the biodiversity of the local mountains, demonstrations of old mining techniques

Route description:

The HZS ferrata can be reached from Martin from the final stop of the public transport bus at Stráňy along the Pivovarský brook to Martinské Hole. The lower part is two-way, suitable for families with children, the upper part is technical, one-way, only from the bottom to the top, for more skilled hikers. It is set in the canyon of the Pivovarský brook, its upper part is divided into variant B (easier) and variant C (harder variant). Both routes B and C meet at 1250 m above sea level. Then the trail continues for 10 minutes and connects to the blue trail, which will easily take you to the huts on Martinské Hole. From there it is also possible to climb to the highest peak of Lúčanská Mala Fatra - Veľká Lúka. The return from the ferrata is from Martinské Hols along the yellow trail to the starting point - the public transport stop, Stráne.

The nature trail and ferrata are only open from 1 June to 14 September and from 1 November to 14 April. A ferrata kit is recommended - helmet, harness, fall absorber, gloves.

Route options:

1. About halfway through the output it is possible to disconnect out of the red marker and continue on the Par-Tizan cannon "Hodinovka"(2h), or to Martinské Hole on the yellow (3,5h), you will bypass the team stretch where you need to belay, suitable for families with smaller children.
2. After the refreshment on Martinské holy is it's only 30 minutes to the transmitter Krizava, where the connect to the red marker that leads the mainthe ridge north to Minčol (1h 10min).
3. Downhill (7km) on off-road scooters on the way back.


Šútovo - Šútovo waterfall - Mojžišové springs - Chata pod Chlebom - Šútovo

Route length: 15 km
Elevation: +1030 m, - 1030 m
Time commitment: 6 hrs.


Šútovský waterfall, the largest waterfall - it is 38 m high and the largest in Mala Fatra The nature trail in the Šútovská valley, which provides information about the Mala Fatra National Park, flora, fauna and forests

Route description:

The route to the Šutov Waterfall is easy, ideal for families with children. The trail starts on an asphalt road, with the Šútovský brook flowing on the right. It continues on through the forest to the Waterfall Cottage with refreshments. From the cottage, the trail continues another 3 km to the Šútovský waterfall, which is the largest in Mala Fatra and one of the most beautiful in the whole of Slovakia. More fit hikers can continue from the waterfall up the steep path to the Mojžišovy springs (1140 m) and from there to the cottage under Chleb and the main ridge of Mala Fatra. You can get back by the same path or by the green marked trail.

Route options:

Šutov Waterfall and back (8,6 km, +-315m, 2:20h)


Blatnica - Vápenná dolina - Tlstá - Ostrá - Muráň - Konský dol mouth - Blatnica

Route length: 16.4 km
Elevation: +1058 m, - 1058 m
Time commitment: 6:40 a.m.


Blatnicka valley, Blatnicka castle, Blatnica memorial, Tlstá, Ostrá, Mažarná cave.

Route description:

A difficult, challenging and long route with a steep ascent. Orientation is easy. Increased caution is needed on steep slopes, especially in the rainy season. Like all hikes in the mountain part of Veľká Fatra, it is one of the most attractive and eye-catching hikes with enchanting views of the Turčianska basin and the whole ridge of Veľká Fatra. From an altitude of about 700 m, high rock terraces and mighty cliffs rise, which can be seen from the Turčianska basin. One of the largest caves of Veľká Fatra - Mažarná - is located here. The interior of the Mažarná cave is not open to the public, so tourists have to be satisfied with admiring its magnificent entrance portal.

Route options:

1.Blatnica - Vápenná dol. - Tlstá - Muráň - Konský dol mouth - Blatnica. (13,4 km, +-915m, 5:50h)
2. Blatnica - Juriašová dol. Ustie - Ostrá - Muráň - Konský dol ustie - Blatnica(13,2 km, +-850m, 4:55h)


Cottage Lysec - Lysec - Medzijarky - Kašová - Cottage Lysec

Route length: 11.7 km
Elevation: +841 m, - 876 m
Time commitment: 4:40 hrs.


Lysec Peak - the dominant peak in NP Veľká Fatra, with views of the peaks of Veľká and Mala Fatra .

Route description:

Moderately difficult hike. It starts in Jasenská valley near the Lysec cottage. From the cottage trail climbs steeply up through the forest to the top. Vrchol is suitable for a break, refreshments and enjoy the panoramic views. From the top, follow the yellow trail down to the a place called "Under the Medzijarkami". From here we will go back down the green trail to Jasenská valleys - Kašová.It is also possible to start the hike in the village of Bela-Dulice from the bus stop. Follow the blue sign after about an hour we arrive at the Lysec hut, where begins the ascent to the top. And the same after thevrate to Kašová along the same route can be get for approx. 40 minutes to the village of Bela-Dulice.

Route options:

Kašová - Lysec - Malý Lysec - Jarabiná- Mažiarky - Cottage Lysec - Kašová(22,9 km, +-1530m, 8:20h) challenging hike for demanding tourists


Turčianska Štiavnička - Teplice serpentines - Katova skala

Route length: 12 km
Elevation: +400 m, -400 m
Time commitment: 3 Throw.


Mausoleum of the Révay family, the birth house of Jan Kostra, Slavic idol, Sklabin castle - ruins, Sucian castle - archaeological site

Route description:

Teplice serpentines (after the Teplica hill) are a very attractive place for tourists. The dense forest, mountain lakes and gurgling water, together with the fact that it is a relatively little known and visited place, create a real oasis of peace. The starting point of the hike to the serpentines is a gazebo with a mineral spring (honeydew) by the road at the southern end of Turčianska Štiavnička. The trail that passes through the site is unmarked, but clearly visible. Its crossing is not difficult, even families with children can manage it without any problems. At the top on the right there is a viewpoint on the rock and on the left along the forest path, traversing the massif of the Dvoriská hill and Katova skala, you will reach the ridge by the final steeper pass and in a moment you will be on the red marker, which will lead you to the very edge of Katova skala.

Route options:

Kašová - Lysec - Malý Lysec - Jarabiná- Mažiarky - Cottage Lysec - Kašová(22,9 km, +-1530m, 8:20h) challenging hike for demanding tourists

Crossing the Krivanska Mala Fatra:

Strečno - Chata pod Suchým - Suchý - Malý Kriváň - Veľký Kriváň - Chata pod Chlebom - Šútovo

Crossing the Great Fatra:

Horný Harmanec - Kráľova Studňa - Krížna - Ostredok - Ploská - Chata pod Borišovom - Ha-vranovo - Bela-Dulice

this package

Sep 19
September 19 - November 17
Sep 19
September 19 - November 17

A new nature trail was opened in Martinské Hole

Autumn closure of Ferrata HZS Martinské hole

Reopening of the Tourist Information Centre in Martin after reconstruction