Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church - Mošovce

In the past, the church was one of the most monumental sacral buildings in Turiec.

The original Gothic church building dates from the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. The tower, as an important landmark of the town, had several functions. Its bells had an information function. The largest of them – Obecný, was cast in 1704 and weighed 900 kg, the second was called Odschod, the third Median and the fourth, weighing 70 kg, bore the name Umrláč. A small bell was placed separately in the church wall.

The tower in front of the church was built separately, situated at the main façade facing west and with a rectangular floor plan measuring 8.6 x 7.2 m. The thickness of the tower walls had to be adjusted to the height of 45 meters, three of which were 1.5 m thick and the fourth was shared with the church wall measuring 1.2 m. The basic building material was processed and raw stone. The tower corners were highlighted with stone blocks. The tower is decorated with a low pyramidal roof with the original shingles.

At the end of the 19th century, the church, then almost 600 years old, was severely damaged. As it was built on marshy soil, a stone Gothic vault, approximately 1.5 m thick, began to crack in many places, despite the fact that it was secured on the sides of the church by thick stone pillars.

The vault was in danger of collapsing, so at the initiative of the then patron of the church, Count František Révai, the church was renovated.

The construction of historic sacral architecture was already close to today’s construction process. To ensure the stability of the church, they built it on a rough concrete slab. The floor plan of the new church is shifted from the original by a few meters to the southeast, it has a three-nave, with a side hexagonal tower, which leads to the staircase to the choir

At first, the old tower was left in its original condition. However, after examining it, it was found that it was inclined – it deviated from the vertical direction by 45 cm. Fearing possible collapse, on June 21, 1913, it was decided to demolish the old tower and build a new one, on the construction of which Count Révai donated 80,000 crowns. During the renovation work, however, the built-in wall of the new church began to crack, so the tower wall had to be rebuilt to the height of the top of the church roof. This wall stands in symbiosis with the church to this day.


Photo Mário Veverka
Text: fine
Source: Internet, website of the municipality of Mošovce



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