Spring at Vyšehrad - article

Text and photo by Ján Farský

The Vyšehrad hill rises above the village of Jasenovo to an altitude of 829 m above sea level. Despite the fact that it is well visible from a large part of Turca, it is not one of the most visited. And yet it is a place with magnificent views of the Turčianska basin, Veľká Fatra, Hornonitria and at the same time a place with a long, glorious history. In the quality publication "TURIEC - a walk through time" by Jan Janus we can read about the history connected to this hill:

Výhľad z brala na Turiec
View from the cliff to Turiec

"During Great Moravia, fortifications were built at strategically important points and were part of a planned fortress system. It is interesting that Turiec directly abounds in them and has one of the densest networks in Slovakia in this respect. They had primarily a defensive-military function, but Vyšehrad, which was the central fortified point in Turiec, had, under the Mojmirs, primarily an economic-administrative and controlling character resulting from its location on the Amber Road. But as the centre of a wide castle district, it also became a refuge for people from the surrounding area in times of danger. Its importance is evidenced by the fact that the Arab geographer Ibn Roseth, describing the anti-Hungarian fortified places on the Danube in the 10th century, names Vyšehrad among thirty castles.

Vrcholová plošina Vyšehradu
Top platform of Vyšehrad

The hillfort, inhabited practically continuously since the Bronze Age, is bordered on the south and east sides by steep cliffs, but even from the west side the total area of 455 acres is difficult to access. The entrance was from the north side, where a road also led, but even this was pedestrian only. The scale of the castle documents that it was not built for a single family, but for a smaller tribe or social group. The area is divided into four separate parts by a system of ramparts, which were used intensively in different periods. There was probably a wooden grand mound on the top, stone roads led inside and drinking water was supplied by springs down the slope."

In the publication you will learn much more. Also about the fact that Vyšehrad, which was slowly losing its former political and power position, ruled Turiec until the arrival of the Hungarians. And although life continued there for several centuries, it did not achieve its former splendour and glory afterwards.

Detail jednej z tabúľ náučného chodníka
Detail of one of the boards of the nature trail

Vyšehrad is the highest peak in the central part of the Žiar Mountains. It is an impressive natural site and a National Nature Reserve. It is declared for the protection of the limestone massif in the Žiar Mountains with forest-steppe vegetation and rare insect species for scientific research, educational and cultural-educational purposes. You can start your ascent to the top by following the red hiking trail from Vyšehradský sedlo, where there is also a parking lot. If you go there in the spring season, after just a few minutes you will get a stunning view of the upper Turiec decorated with flowering shrubs and trees with Veľká Fatra in the background. The magical spring scenery will accompany you to the top. From the saddle it is approximately 1.5 kilometres. The walk is also suitable for families with children. On the way along the red trail towards the summit, you will surely come across the information boards. They are an interesting addition to this short hike. The 1.3 km-long nature trail was opened in 1982 and the information panels were replaced in 1995. There are 6 stops along the route with information boards. The terrain is easy to moderately difficult and the trail is nature, history and archaeology oriented.

Vyšehrad is a place where the joy of nature is combined with the discovery of the oldest Slavic past. The summit platform is one of the places where one of the Turca benches could also be placed. Perhaps with a motif reminding of the unique importance of this place in the history of our region.

Jarný vrchol Vyšehradu
Spring peak of Vyšehrad

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