The Slovak National Library

Slovak National Library (SNK)

The Slovak National Library plays a key role in preserving and making available Slovak documents. The Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic No. 126/2015 Coll. on Libraries precisely defines the tasks of the Slovak National Library: to supplement, register, process, preserve, protect and make accessible the universal library collection with special emphasis on Slovak language documents.

But what do these tasks mean for library users?

What is a Slovak document? 

It is:

  • printed or electronic book,
  • a periodical or other type of document,
  • published in Slovakia, in Slovak, by a Slovak author or about Slovakia.

Other SNK services

SNK offers a wide range of services for users:

  • Interlibrary Loan Service (ILS and MMVS): If you are looking for a document that is not available in your library, we can provide it from another library in Slovakia or abroad.
  • Resourcing: Do you need background information on a professional problem? Our team will help you navigate through the available literature.
  • Access to electronic resources: We provide access to licensed and freely available databases of electronic information resources (EIR) to registered users of the SNK.
  • Copying services: Under the Copyright Act, we provide copies of parts of documents from printed and electronic materials.
  • Study rooms and consultations: Do you need space to study? There are study rooms in the SNK headquarters as well as expert consultation services - also available online.
  • National Institute of Biography and the Literary Archive: The SNK's specialist departments can help you find biographical data about the writers or documents that have been preserved after them.

Profile of SNK library collections:

The collections of the National Library of Latvia cover a wide range of scientific and artistic disciplines:

  • Science of science and methodology of sciences
  • Theory of Culture, Art and General Art
  • Librarianship, Informatics and Bibliography
  • Museology, biography and archive studies
  • Philology and Slavonic studies
  • Literary science, history and criticism of literature
  • Anthropology and ethnography (including folklore and folklore)
  • Theatre and film
  • Philosophy and religion
  • History, genealogy and heraldry
  • Music and Linguistics
  • Medicine, psychology, education and training

These rich collections make the Slovak National Library a unique source of knowledge and inspiration for professionals, students and the public.



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Spring closure of hiking trails in NP Mala Fatra

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