Memorial to the SNP victims in Horna Štubnia

Memorial to the SNP victims: a symbol of memory and respect

Near the railway station in the village of Horná Štubňa there is a memorial commemorating the victims of fascist violence during the Slovak National Uprising. A mass grave of local inhabitants who perished under unclear circumstances was discovered here during the liberation of Slovakia. Most of the victims came from Kremnica and surrounding villages.

The first memorial was built directly on the site of the mass grave and had a simple wooden shape with a star on top. As the construction of a water dam was planned near the site, the district authorities decided to relocate it. The new monument, created by the academic sculptor Fraňo Štefunko, was unveiled on 29 August 1966. Its location near the railway line symbolises the connection of the victims from the surrounding regions.

The memorial carries a message about the need to never forget the victims of fascism and the suffering caused by the war. Every year, commemorative events are held at the memorial, during which locals and visitors alike recall the heroism and tragedy of those times.

The new monument was made by sculptor Fraňo Štefunka from Martin. It was unveiled on 29 August 1966.



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