Andrej Kmeť Museum
Historická budova Slovenského národného múzea v Martine – architektonická perla na pozadí každodenného ruchu Ak by sa obyvatelia Martina na chvíľu zastavili a pozreli okolo seba, určite by si všimli […]
Evangelical Church and Memorandum Square
Evangelical a. v. church. The building is partially open to the public. Since the 16th century there were also inhabitants in Martin who professed the Evangelical faith, although they did not have their own church here. They [...]
The first building of the Slovak Matica
Národná kultúrna pamiatka: Administratívna budova s areálom – Prvá budova Matice slovenskej Budova Matice slovenskej v Martine je otvorená verejnosti. Ešte stále platí, že keď sa po Slovensku povie „Martin“, u verejnosti […]
Turiec Gallery
National cultural monument: the County House - Turčianska Gallery The building is open to the public. The County House is the oldest building in Martin. Its exact year of construction is unknown, but it is believed that [...]
St. Martin’s Church
National cultural monument: church with grounds. The building is open to the public on a limited basis. The church in our town is a faithful witness to history that remembers much, but its stories remain hidden. [...]