Calvary in Kláštor pod Znievom
Calvary has been on this site since the beginning of the 18th century. The area was gradually completed until the 20th century. Together with the Church of the Holy Cross, it can be found behind the village of Kláštor pod Znievom on [...]
Evangelical church from Ivančina
Ivančiná, a village located 10km from Turčianske Teplice, which was first mentioned in documents in 1248. The Evangelical church was built on the place where the old articular church originally stood. The facades are [...]
Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary in Hadvig
Hadviga is a settlement in the district of Turčianske Teplice, which falls under the municipality of Brieštie. According to sources, the village was founded in 1392 by a group of German colonists. Today it is a defunct village, the German population was [...]
Evangelical church, of the Ausburg confession, in Mošovce
The foundation of the church can be dated back to the years 1864 - 1871, when religious equality in Hungary occurred, which allowed even evangelicals to build a church with a tower. The church is a rectangular neoclassical [...]
Single-nave, Roman Catholic Gothic church of St. John the Baptist from Ivančina (part of Dvorec)
The settlement Dvorec, situated in the southern part of the Turčianska basin (10 km from Turč. Teplice), was originally an independent village, which in the 1990s became part of the municipality of Ivančiná. The church in [...]
The single-aisled, Roman Catholic church of St. Helena in Dražkovce
The village of Dražkovce is located just 4 km east of Martin. The first written mention dates back to 1242. In the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th [...]
The one-aisle, Roman Catholic Church of Corpus Christi in Bela - Dulice.
The village, located in the eastern part of the Turčianska basin, was formed by the merger of two original villages - Bela and Dulice. Although the first written mention dates back to 1282, the village is an older settlement [...]
Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church - Mošovce
In the past, the church was one of the most monumental sacral buildings in Turiec. The original Gothic church building dates back to the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. The tower as an important landmark of the town fulfilled several roles. Its four bells, the largest of which [...]
Church of St. Cosmas and Damian in Abramova
Rímskokatolícky kostol sv. Kozmu a Damiána Kostol sv. Kozmu a Damiána je malebným príkladom ranogotickej architektúry na Slovensku. Nachádza sa na vyvýšenine v areáli cintorína mimo obce Abramová v historickom […]
Roman Catholic Church of St. Barbara - Jazernica
A small village situated in the flat centre of the Turčianska basin will enchant you not only with its peaceful atmosphere, but also with two precious pearls. The natural and historical monuments here form a unique connection that is worth a visit.